In Quebec, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings account for 7.1 megatonnes (Mt) of CO2 equivalents (in 2020). “Natural” gas, more accurately called fossil gas, is responsible for 63% of these emissions. In the industrial, commercial, and institutional sectors, GHG emissions related to heating are estimated at 4.1 Mt of CO2 equivalents, or 5.5% of the province’s total GHG emissions. These emissions are equivalent to the annual emissions of 1.26 million cars.
At least 46,000 commercial and institutional buildings in Quebec still need to be decarbonized, despite heating being recognized as one of the easiest ways to achieve GHG reductions.
We demand, for all workplaces:
The elimination of heating devices using propane, gas, or oil as soon as they reach the end of their useful life, or no later than 2030.
The implementation of measures to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and the smart management of peak demand.
A just transition for workers in the fossil gas sector to Hydro-Québec or other sectors that are environmentally and socially beneficial.
This campaign is led in partnership with